Get real-world intrapreneurship experience in just 600 hours

Join the Intrapreneurship Program

The idea behind the

Intrapreneurship Program

The Intrapreneurship Program provides a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to gain hands-on experience in a corporate environment while developing the skills and mindset of an entrepreneur. 

As an intrapreneur in our program, you'll work on innovative projects and have the chance to pitch your own ideas to the company. You'll also receive mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals who are passionate about helping you succeed.

Through our Intrapreneurship Program, you'll gain invaluable insights that will help you advance your career and reach your goals. Whether you're interested in product development, project management, digital marketing, content marketing, or social media marketing, our program provides the resources and support you need to develop your skills and thrive in your field.

An ideal intrapreneur

must be..

Passionate about innovation and creativity

  • A lifelong learner
  • Willing to take risks and try new approaches
  • A critical thinker and problem solver
  • A team player with strong communication skills
  • Self-motivated and driven to succeed
  • Willing to challenge the status quo and push boundaries
  • Adaptable and comfortable with ambiguity
  • Able to balance multiple projects and deadlines
  • Curious about new technologies and trends
  • Dedicated to making a positive impact in their field


The program is designed for motivated students and young professionals who are seeking an extraordinary internship experience. Applicants should be able to commit to a full-time workload of 40 hours per week and have a passion for making a difference in their field.

We welcome individuals who are ready to be game changers in their careers and push the boundaries of what is possible.

What’s in it for you?

24/7 Dedicated Office Space for Intrapreneurs

As one of five selected intrapreneurs, you'll have round-the-clock access to a dedicated office space with high-speed internet and all the resources you need to work on your projects. Plus, take a break and recharge by playing board games or simply relaxing in your own workspace.

Gain Invaluable Experience

Think like an entrepreneur within our organization, not just an intern. As part of our program, you'll work alongside experienced team members who will provide you with valuable insights and mentorship.

Exclusive Mentorship

You'll have the exclusive opportunity to book consultations with the company's founder to discuss your ideas and receive expert guidance. In addition, we'll provide scheduled workshops and webinars to help you develop your skills and knowledge.

Unlock surprises

You never know what exciting opportunities await you.

Choose your path

Project Management

If you enjoy leading projects and ensuring they are delivered on time and within budget, then project management could be the perfect fit for you. You'll be responsible for coordinating and managing the resources, tasks, and goals of different teams in order to achieve a successful outcome.

Product Development

If you're passionate about creating innovative solutions and developing new products, then product development could be the perfect fit for you. You'll work with cross-functional teams to identify unmet customer needs, design products to meet those needs, and oversee their launch and market success.

Digital Marketing

If you have a flair for creative and innovative ideas and a strong understanding of technology, then digital marketing could be the perfect fit for you. You'll create and manage marketing campaigns across digital channels, leverage data insights to optimize results, and deliver meaningful impact to your target audience.

Content Marketing

If you love crafting compelling stories and creating content that resonates with your target audience, then content marketing could be the perfect fit for you. You'll be responsible for creating different types of content, such as blog posts, infographics, and social media updates, and shaping the messaging that represents the company's values and mission.

Creative Marketing

If you're a natural idea generator and enjoy exploring unique and memorable ways to market products and services, then creative marketing could be the perfect fit for you. You'll be responsible for creating campaigns that are unique, engaging, and memorable and that resonate with your target audience. You'll use your creativity to develop new approaches that differentiate your brand in the market.

Work with Carisle Media Team

Exclusive Mentorship from Juliana Carisle

Juliana Carisle is a visionary who has devoted her career to the belief that great relationships are nurtured over time, and that businesses need to embrace a more human approach to their marketing efforts.

She believes that businesses should create a compelling story around their products and services, provide excellent customer experiences, and become an essential part of people’s daily lives, inspiring them to share their experiences with others.

With over 25 million views and 130,000 followers on social media, Juliana’s educational and inspirational content impacted countless individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations alike.

Juliana has collaborated with over 30 SaaS, financial, and marketing companies throughout the United States, ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to medium-sized and micro-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

In 2021, Juliana founded Carisle Media Corporation, a marketing company based in the Philippines that leverages data science to empower leaders to take action and unlock the full potential of their marketing initiatives. Starting as a small team, it has now grown to include 15 full-time members and clients from around the world.

Juliana is a firm believer in the revolutionary potential of data to transform companies and eliminate silos between departments. By streamlining data and providing clear insights, leaders can make informed decisions that drive growth and success.

As seen on Good Morning Texas

Important Dates to Remember

Registration Period

May 8 to May 27, 2023

Announcement of Shortlisted Applicants

May 29, 2023


May 30 to June 4, 2023

The Top 1% Intrapreneurs Announcement

June 5, 2023

Program Duration

June 12 to September 1, 2023

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